ReversionReversion is a suspense film about the daughter of a billionaire tech mogul who begins to question her memories about her mothers death...
Road HardRoad Hard tells the story of a stand-up comedian who is forced to go back on the road to provide for his daughter after an expensive...
PerceptionPerception is an American crime drama television series created by Kenneth Biller and Mike Sussman. It is based on a schizophrenic...
Fat Tony & CoFat Tony & Co/Underbelly series is based on true Melbourne crime figures. Fat Tony & Co explores the life of Tony Mokbel and his illegal...
The Legend MakerThe Legend Maker is a film set in Melbourne's underworld of criminal passport forgery. The story centres around two separate forgery...
Better ManBetter Man is a 4-part mini series based on true events in the life of Van Nguyen; a 25 year old Vietnamese-Australian who was put to...
NeighboursNeighbours is an iconic Australian soap opera which revolves around the lives of those who live and work in the fictional suburb of...
IEC Indian Executive Club AwardSachin Joab won the 2012 Achievement in the Arts; awarded to him by the prestigious IEC Indian Executive Club.
Conspiracy 365Conspiracy 365 is a fast paced and intriguing 12-part drama series. The story follows the adventures of a 15 year old boy who is hurled...
10 TERRORISTS!10 Terrorists is a satirical comedy that examines society’s obsession with Reality TV and merges it with terrorism. Sachin Joab plays the...