Follows the story of two misfits, Lucky and Meg, who are thrown together by chance in the middle of the Australian desert. They forge the unlikeliest of bonds in their quest to get a precious upright piano from one side of the country to the other.
Sachin Joab plays Dr Kashani, a competent modern day doctor who also juggles holistic healing. When his path crosses with eccentric characters Lucky and Meg they all strike up an unexpected friendship. Unbeknownst to the good doctor, Lucky and Meg's true intentions aren't revealed until a moment arises in the most unlikely of places.
The eighth part series is written by Chris Taylor and star Tim Minchin, alongside award-winning writer actor Kate Mulvany and Leon Ford. Produced by Lingo Pictures and directed by Matt Saville.
Upright airs on Sky Atlantic in the U.K and Foxtel in Australia over 2019/2020.